It’s so much more than a photoshoot.
In 2024, 100% of parents reported a “positive change in my child as a result of this program.” And tweens agreed. Across the board, participants self-reported improvement in their own self-esteem based on the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. The strongest growth related to feelings of worth and taking a positive attitude toward themselves.
Our tweens are exceptional young people navigating all the classic challenges of adolescence in an unchartered digital world. Tech and social media have created a layer of complexity to childhood that parents, teachers, and caregivers are still struggling to understand. Our work helps young people recapture the confidence they are born with through art and authenticity.
About the experience
Once accepted, tweens and their trusted adults meet together for a casual information session. Bonds are quickly formed, even between socially anxious and shy children, through expertly led ice breakers, games and food. This first event kicks off a six-month self-love journey leading up to each tween’s individual luxury photoshoot experience.
Meeting as a small group twice per month, tweens will receive a mix of fun and self-development through professional instruction. We pair inspiring guest speakers with hands-on activities such as day spa facials, makeup tutorials, influencer meet-and-greets, and behind-the-scenes tours of Chicago’s tech companies and cultural institutions. While much of our programming appeals to girls, our program is open to all genders. In 2025, we’re expanding a track for more male-centered interests as well.
Once your tween completes the attendance requirements and self-care pledge exercise, they’re eligible for their own luxury Vogue-style photoshoot. Accompanied by a trusted adult (and any other guests they’d like to include), each tween is treated like a celebrity at a professional studio on Chicago’s north side. A local makeup artist, stylist and portrait photographer, work together to help your tween embrace their authentic selves and recapture their confidence on camera.
Our signature event is an annual Gallery Show featuring each child as a true work of art! The opening is a family celebration also open to the public. Visit our Instagram to see photos from past Gallery Shows and testimonials from participants and parents.
Parent circles
One of the strongest pieces of feedback we received in 2024 was from parents and caregivers who participated in circle talks led by a trusted child psychologist. These casual conversations over coffee took place simultaneous to tween programming in a nearby location. In addition to comparing notes about parenting this age group, adults received complimentary access to mental health support throughout the program.
December 12, 2024 - January 20, 2025
2025 applications open
Early February 2025
Applicants notified
Virtual meet-and-greets with executive director
By February 20, 2025
Applicants accept or decline enrollment
March 2, 2025
Program begins
July - August 2025
Photoshoots take place
September 2025 (Date TBD)
Gallery Show
Review our application guidelines and apply!
Josh Beaton is a dad and Chicago-based award-winning luxury portrait photographer. His work, including a portrait of his first tween client, Emy, has repeatedly been featured in the highly-discerning Photo Vogue Italia. Josh has lived experience raising teens through the most challenging phases of development. He co-founded The Tween Esteem Project with his wife, Danielle, after realizing the life-changing impact the portrait experience has on young people’s self-perception.